Monday 3 October 2011

How to Improve Your English Language Conversation Skills

There are several dictionary definitions for "Conversation".
Conversation: an informal talk with somebody, especially about opinions, ideas, feelings, or everyday matters.
Conversation: noun, an informal spoken exchange of news and ideas between two or more people.
Conversation: a talk between two or more people in which thoughts, feelings and ideas are expressed, questions are asked and answered, or news and information are exchanged.
There are several dictionary Synonyms for "Conversation": discourse, discussion, dialogue, chat, speech, speech communication, spoken communication, spoken language, voice communication, oral communication
There are several dictionary definitions for "Skills".
Skill is an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it.
Skills are the result of special training to do a function or activity.
Proficiency, facility, or dexterity that is acquired or developed through training or experience.
A developed talent or ability
An art, trade, or technique requiring use of the hands and or tools.
We have to create some definitions for "Conversation Skills".
Conversation skills can be explained as language abilities needed to interact in social situations. Language abilities include speaking with appropriate vocabulary, pronunciation, tone, intonation, rhythm, pauses, politeness and timing.
We have to create some definitions for "English Language Conversation Skills".
English Language Conversation Skills includes language abilities, conversation skills, social skills, culture knowledge and non-verbal communication skills.
Non-verbal communication skills are classified as posture, body movements, gestures, facial expressions, proximity and eye contact.
In English speaking countries the non-verbal messages can represent from 25 to 75% of the meaning.
Social skills and culture knowledge can be generalized as what to say, when to say it, where and how to say it.
When learning English Language Conversation Skills students must include everything if they actually want to converse with native English speakers. Students cannot just learn vocabulary or pronunciation as it represents less than 50% of most conversations.
Excellent professional ESL English tutors can help students integrate all the factors necessary for ESL students to successfully converse with English native speakers or use English as the language of international business communication.

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